
Jinhui Sports, Setting Sail

"Jinhui Cup" 2019 invitational tournament of national tennis masters starts at the sports center of the Jinhui enterprise park in Longnan, China. 20 teams from 16 provinces, cities, autonomous regions and professional teams are competing. Jinhui enterprise and tennis, One is the premium liquor place of production with a long history of brewing in the western China, one is the worldwide popular sport. Both sides lead fashion, spread culture, advocate healthy, elegant, ecological and green lifestyle, sport has the power to change the world, Jinhui delivers positive energy, which mark Jinhui Sports are setting sail.

    ? 扎赉特旗| 新和县| 旅游| 清原| 莆田市| 南丰县| 新化县| 保定市| 许昌市| 宣武区| 通山县| 庄河市| 开阳县| 鞍山市| 渝北区| 马龙县| 右玉县| 富宁县| 乌兰县| 宁波市| 偃师市| 丁青县| 江华| 永胜县| 南丰县| 隆林| 曲靖市| 红桥区| 南安市| 陕西省| 安溪县| 富源县| 海门市| 三穗县| 霸州市| 阿拉尔市| 高台县| 曲水县| 敦化市| 乃东县| 济阳县|