
Since 2008, Jinhui Mining has carried out technical cooperation with CUG (China University of Geosciences) and other professional institutions. Innovated the exploration mode and insisted on deep risk prospecting---- “strike deep and find blind” after analyzing the ore-forming conditions and ore-controlling factors with the expert groups within its own exploration rights.


    ? 麦盖提县| 应城市| 于都县| 温州市| 沽源县| 凭祥市| 宁武县| 衡东县| 张家口市| 奉节县| 平泉县| 澎湖县| 成安县| 旅游| 尼玛县| 乐山市| 万全县| 新和县| 辉县市| 松溪县| 濮阳县| 新晃| 永泰县| 确山县| 嘉义县| 治县。| 安塞县| 南陵县| 贵州省| 松阳县| 城口县| 沭阳县| 深州市| 弥渡县| 津南区| 铜梁县| 同心县| 枞阳县| 嘉禾县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 枝江市|