
Having a sound corporate governance structure, it has established a production management system based on exploration, mining and selection, and a management system integrating safety and environmental protection, sci-tech R&D, quality assessment, supply and sales, administrative logistics and financial control. Separated the production, living and administrative office area and carried out 6S standardized management; compared with the industry system standards to strengthen the control of production process, product quality, environmental protection, employee occupational health and other aspects, it has passed the “Three standards” management system certification.

Innovating management mode, implementing hierarchical control and enhancing execution, the chairman, as the first person in charge of all the company’s work, takes the lead in setting an example and conduct proactively, meanwhile the deputy general managers are appointed by three experts responsible for exploration, mining and selection, the secretary of the Party committee focuses on administration, party building and logistics services, the clear responsibilities and standardized operation promote the green and high quality sustainable development.


The appearance of workshops is clean, the working area is naturally separated from the living area, and the staff apartments are lined up with the playground.

? 筠连县| 德阳市| 类乌齐县| 通州市| 宝丰县| 漠河县| 犍为县| 涡阳县| 清涧县| 舟曲县| 红原县| 宁乡县| 内江市| 汉源县| 韩城市| 安图县| 饶阳县| 克拉玛依市| 长岛县| 桃江县| 图木舒克市| 密山市| 霍州市| 平塘县| 稻城县| 盐源县| 云林县| 安吉县| 宿松县| 南皮县| 滦平县| 将乐县| 门源| 绍兴县| 海丰县| 信宜市| 定陶县| 浙江省| 鄂托克前旗| 涟水县| 龙陵县|