
News of Jinhui Mining in 2017
addtime:2020-06-24 view:

1. Jinhui Mining is awarded the first batch of “Green Factory” in China

On September 1, MIIT released the first batch of green manufacturing demonstration list in 2017. Jinhui Mining was awarded the first batch of green manufacturing system ---- “Green Factory” demonstration enterprise, and was also the only selected enterprise in the province.


2. Jinhui Mining base of Gansu non-coal mine first-aid is awarded

On April 16, Director of the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau Guo Heli and his party visited Jinhui Mining base of Gansu non-coal mine first-aid, and attended its ceremony and conferred the plate.


3. Yuan Yaxiang visits Jinhui Mining to investigat

On July 29 and October 4, President of IUIAM, Academician of CAS, Director of CMS, Vice-chair of the National Committee, CAST, and Researcher of AMSS, CAS Yuan Yaxiang visited Jinhui Mining to investigate, and gave full affirmation and praise to its construction concept, standard and achievement.


4. Jinhui Mining’s integration technology of the automatic control and information disposal system for the whole mineral processing is listed as the advanced applicable technology for the conservation and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources by the Ministry of Land and Resources.

On December 18, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued “The promoted catalogue of advanced applicable technology for the conservation and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources” (the sixth batch), and Jinhui Mining’s integration technology of the automatic control and information disposal system for the whole mineral processing was listed as the advanced applicable technology for the conservation and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources. The technology’s successful application not only provided technical support for the industrial optimization and upgrade, but also had great significance in reforming the process, upgrading the equipment technology and improving the operating environment of mineral processing

5. Xiao longshan Forest Experiment Bureau hold a meeting on the management of forestland used in construction projects in Jinhui Mining.

From May 24 to 25, Xiao longshan Forest Experiment Bureau held a meeting on the management of forestland used in construction projects in Jinhui Mining. Over 140 representatives from Dingxi City, Tianshui City, Longnan City and Baoji City attended the meeting.


6. Jinhui Mining is named as the provincial science education base

On June 1, the scientific popularization meeting of provincial Geological Society was held in Jinhui Mining, and awarded Jinhui Mining as “The provincial science education base”.


7. Jinhui Mining Union is honored as “Home of Provincial Model Workers”

In March, Jinhui Mining Union was honored as “Home of Provincial Model Workers” jointly by the provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Federation of Trade Union, and it’s another honor followed the “pioneer of building a well-off society” jointly awarded by the Party of Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce and the provincial non-public Party Working Committee 


8. The occupational hazard control effect of Jinhui Mining has passed the evaluation and acceptance.

In October, Guo jiagou 1.5 million tons/year lead-zinc mining project of Jinhui Mining’s occupational hazard control effect had passed the evaluation and acceptance, it marked that Jinhui Mining had made a step in effectively preventing and controlling occupational disease, protecting labor forces and preserving labor social dignity.




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